Toyota Camry Maintenance Schedule
Getting your Toyota Camry in to have its routine service performed is a valuable tool towards making sure it continues to perform as reliably as the day you drove it off the lot. If you’re a resident of the Danvers, Peabody, and Salem area, the folks at Ira Toyota of Danvers have drawn up this Toyota Camry Maintenance Schedule to help you keep track of each task and when it needs to be performed. We have all the information on the Toyota Camry Maintenance Schedule. Schedule a service appointment today to have your vehicle maintained by an expert.
5,000 Miles
At every 5,000 miles, your Camry should be taken in for a few routine tasks and checks. These include the following:
- All fluid levels should be checked and adjusted accordingly.
- The wiper blades should be looked over to make sure they’re in working order with no signs of aging such as cracks.
- The tires need to be rotated at this time.
- The brakes are to be visually inspected.
10,000 Miles
When your Toyota Camry reaches 10,000 miles, all the 5,000-mile maintenance is to be performed, plus a few more items that include replacing the cabin air filter, changing out the oil filter, and changing the oil.
1,500 Miles
The normal wear and tear commonly accumulated at this point in a vehicle’s lifespan call for a more extensive series of inspections. The following items are checked out:
- Ball joints and dust covers
- Brake lines and hoses
- Drive shaft boots
- Engine coolant
- Exhaust pipes and mountings
- Radiator and condenser
- Steering gear
- Steering linkage and boots
20,000 Miles
At the 20,000-mile mark, it’s time for another oil change along with the replacement of the oil filter and the cabin air filter. Here’s what also gets done at this point:
- Visual brake inspection
- Wiper blades inspection
- Tire rotation
- Inspection of all fluid levels
25,000 Miles
At this interval, you can expect the usual 5,000-mile inspections and procedures.
30,000 Miles
This one’s another extensive maintenance visit. Along with the routine items, your Camry will have the following checked out:
- Automatic transmission fluid cooler hoes and connections
- Automatic transmission for signs of leakage
- Ball joints and dust covers
- Brake components, lines, and hoses
- Drive shaft boots
- Engine coolant
- Exhaust pipes and mountings
- Fuel lines and connections
- Fuel tank band
- Fuel tank vapor vent system hoses
- Fuel tank cap gasket
- Radiator and condenser
- Steering gear
- Steering linkage and boots
35,000 Miles
Here’s another standard visit with the regular checks.
40,000 Miles
Reaching 40,000 miles means your Camry gets another oil change.
45,000 Miles
Aside from the standard examinations, rotations, and refills, at 45,000 miles you can also expect a walkthrough of the following:
- Ball joints and dust covers
- Brake lines and hoses
- Drive shaft boots
- Engine coolant
- Exhaust pipes and mountings
- Radiator and condenser
- Steering gear
- Steering linkage and boots
50,000 Miles
The 50,000-mile appointment calls for another oil change, a tire rotation, the replacement of the oil filter and the cabin air filter, a check of all fluids, and a visual examination of your brakes.
Schedule Your Next Service Appointment Today
If you’re in Danvers, Peabody, or Salem and it’s about time to have your Toyota Camry in for its next maintenance appointment, contact Ira Toyota of Danvers to schedule it today.